Why can't we lock teenagers and/or siblings up in solitary confinement? I think as soon as they get to a certain age, all parents should be given a trailer to lock their children up in to separate them from members of the family. I think it would totally solve the issues of arguments with each other and with parents. We could push food through a slot in their door, and if we pad the walls... then sound shouldn't be an issue... THEN maybe, just MAYBE... I could have a half-way clean house.
Why can't everyone in the house help clean up said house? And, when it is cleaned up, why can't they keep it that way? Why do I spend a Saturday morning cleaning up a room and by Sunday evening it is a total wreck, but NOBODY sees the need to put it back in order?
That's it, I've decided that I want the trailer for my own personal use. I will keep it clean, and if it is padded, then nobody will hear me scream.
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